Preparing for adulthood
Information to help you prepare for adulthood.
Preparing for adulthood outcomes
This video explains key outcome areas for year 9 annual reviews of EHC plans, and every review thereafter.
The Children and Families Act 2014
The Children and Families Act 2014 is a law that is very important for children and young people.
Find out about the Children and Families Act 2014 (external link).
19 to 25 year-olds’ entitlement to education and health care (EHC) plans
Most young people with EHC plans complete further education with their peers by age 19. But some young people with SEND need longer to complete their education and training.
This document details your rights (external link).
EHC plans: examples of good practice (year 9 and beyond)
Preparing for adulthood in EHC plans.
Download a resource for all those involved in the production of EHC plans (PDF 484kb).
Year 9 annual reviews
A guide to preparing for adulthood in year 9 annual reviews.