Children and young people’s mental health

Information about children and young people’s mental health.

Mental health support

MindEd Hub offers free educational resource on children, young people, adults and older people’s mental health. MindEd is suitable for all adults working with, or caring for, infants, children or teenagers; all the information provided is quality assured by experts, useful, and easy to understand (external link)

Nip in the Bud have a number of videos, on a range of conditions and situations impacting on children and young peoples mental health, from anxiety returning to school, to trauma (external link)

Place2Be Mental health resources for schools (external link)

HappyMaps Teaching and learning resources on mental health (external link)

YoungMinds A range of resources, including things like wellbeing activities, toolkits and webinars to help support the young people in your lives (external link)

Helping children worried about school

Anxiety at school

What kids and teens with anxiety need teachers to know (external link).

Guidance for schools: -

Mental health issues affecting a pupil's attendance: guidance for schools - GOV.UK (

Moving to secondary school

The transition to secondary school animation aimed to help year 6 and 7 pupils feel more confident, less anxious and better equipped to cope with the changes associated with moving to secondary school.

The animation is accompanied by lesson activities and an assembly plan, which will support pupils to discuss some of their potential worries and come up with solutions to help. Download the accompanying, free teacher toolkit from

Download a teacher tool kit to use with this animation (external link).